Friday, May 30, 2008

Grace and Grit

Here is what I wrote to my yahoogroup,and I can barely find the energy to rewrite it so although most readers here will have read this, I am just so fatigued right now it's hard to be creative.

Lila died at about 8:15 this morning, surrounded by me, Danny, her beloved
Dad Alex, the gentle and sensitive care of Frances Dugan our local vet, and
the love and prayers of everyone here, which we felt to the core of our
beings. It was a sweet, tender, love-filled passing, much like Lila herself.. Although my heart is completely shattered I know I gave her everything in
this life I could, and that this release was my final - and hardest - gift.
She had a reasonably comfortable, if very drugged night, and was calm and
steady when the sedative came. A few minutes later, Frances gave her just a
little sp, and Lila raised her head, looked straight at Frances, and died.
It took only a very little drug for thet sweet, loving and beautiful heart
to let go and stop beating. She died as gently as a leaf falling softly from
a tree in autumn, carried back to the source with delicacy and grace.

I want to thank every person here who has written on my blog, on this group
or at home and try to convey how muhc your words, prayers, candles and love
have meant to me. I truly do not know what to do with this enormous hole in
my heart and life but I have Dan, I have Luke and Lila's cherished memories
and I have a future to care for so I will find a way. Thank you all from the
bottom of my heart.
I am doing a form of sitting shiva for the next week, so I may be scarce,
but know that I am here and your love and understanding has meant the world
to all of us, perhaps most of all, to lila.
Anything that helped her Mom was so incredibly important to her.

Lila was a beautiful spirit if God ever put breath in one.It was my absolute
honour, privilege and joy to have shared my life with for all these years.

Mommy love Lila - so much love Lila.
Always and forever.

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