Friday, July 11, 2008


So finally, last night, in the wee hours before dawn, you decided you were ready to come to me.
Tonight I cannot wait to sleep, in the desparate hope you will be here again.
It was only a moment, but there you were. I could feel your fur, the deep ruff around your neck, I was back with you, and it was as real as the day.

When I awoke, Danny was staring straight at me with that concerned little Ridgeback face, and I knew I'd been making sounds in my sleep.
I could barely drag myself awake, I was so far gone when we had met, out on the astral, and how comforting those fleeting moments were.

Sometimes, the pain unravels me.
Sometimes I am filled with peace and love that you were ever here.
Always, always, I miss you, and what I wouldn't give for one hour more.
Mommy loves Lila, so much love Lila.

Despite all that has happened in the past few weeks, I make space to mourn for your passing, and time to be with you still.


Ellyn said...

I don't know if you expect or even want comments, but I still look here once in a while. So I just wanted to say that it is lovely that you have these comforting, God-given experiences.

Cat said...
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Cat said...

I'm always happy to hear form you, dearheart, my anam cara. :)

I miss her so much, my whoe being aches. Did you know the soul can ache like hell? Not *just* the heart, or God knows the body, but the whole spirit?

I hope it's labour pains. I know she is finding her way back, and the lamp of the Hermit, I hold high for her beautiful return.

So much yet to do, my Bunny!