Hi Bo....
I was just talking to Luke, and taking a little break here (still crunching numbers all day) and I looked at a few of my favourite pics. You were so sweet! Did I not tell you a 1000 times a day? And were you not tolerant, wise, funny and GOOD? You were indeed, my eleganza. So before I head back to work,more coffee and a quick roll- around in the yard with that little demon...I just wanted to share a few more Bo-treasures with the world.
Danny is well; we lost Ogden, and my heart aches, but it cannot break, because it's been so thoroughly shattered it grew back made of rubber, and it will only ache now; the first cuts are indeed the deepest, or as Dylan Thomas said "after the first death, there is no other".
I miss you, Bonobo. You, Dad, Luke and John - I am so glad to have the demon or what would I do?
Take heart knowing for all he annoyed you, he's helping me be ok.
Look at you!